Rockometer Amp
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                  Welcome to Rockometer Amp
We are THE SOURCE for Repro Silvertone Amplifier Cabinets
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  To all that have contacted, or tried to contact me through email, I have not gotten an email since June 2, 2024, due to an issue with my former email account. Any email inquiries sent since June 2, 2024 cannot be recovered, we are sorry for this. Our contact page has been updated and all emails will be sent to my new email address, my phone number has remained the same.

  I DO have almost all phone numbers for anyone who contacted me and left a phone number, or anyone that I've spoken with over the years.

  So, what else is new, and why have we been dormant for so long? Short answer is I was caring for my in-laws full time through 2022 and recovering from some health issues, all is good now.

  So keep an eye out, I'll try to keep everyone updated on what we're up to. I've got some 1482, a couple 1474, and one or two 1484 cabinets built and ready to cover that I hope to be able to get to soon. There's also a couple amps I'll be looking to sell very soon
January 20,2025