Rockometer Amp
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About Rockometer Amp
 A PART TIME shop dedicated to improving the tone of your Vintage Silvertone Amp. 

  As we all know, the original Silvertone* cabinets were made out of what amounts to a heavy duty cardboard, I believe they used Hemasote*, which has an intended use as a soundproofer, go figure. It was lightweight, easy to assemble and cheaper than wood. The baffle board was Masonite*, sometimes in 2 pieces, and the back panels were made from 3/8" particle board. The 1484 and 1485 cabinets were also built with particle board, using the same masonite baffle.

  All the popular Silvertones* from 1963 onward used a very distinctive "tolex", I've searched and searched and cannot find the original manufacturer. We have found a "tolex" covering that is very close to the original, but has a slight shine, and different texture to it. So far, it's the closest we've found to the original style. Our supplier informed us that he can get it looking 95%-98% original but, we'll need to order a minimum of 1000 yards. I hope to offer it "someday". 

  We can also cover your amp in the early 1960's 1471, 72, 73 and 74 style black, which is very close to original style.  Our cabinets are made from 3/4" finger jointed pine, 3/8 birch ply baffle with 1/4" or 3/8" birch ply ledger and back panel, handles are heavy duty Marshall* style, your cab will rest on large, heavy duty rubber feet.

  Please go to our News and Reviews page for more information, or give us a call.

  We do have some cabinets assembled and ready to cover, inquire.
What can I expect with a new cab?

  We all love our old Silvertone amps, they have a great tone, and are affordable, but how many times do you see one and the cab is falling apart, moldy, stinky or all of the above? We're well into the 5th decade since the classics were made, and unless you have a closet classic, you've probably been wishing the cabs were built better, or that a different modern speaker would fit and still be able to put the back panel on.

 When we started making the 1472 - 1482 cabinets back in 2010, we knew we were on to something good. The difference in tone and volume is beyond what we expected, and we can now again offer you a cab that will not only sound better, but will withstand gigging without worry, looks great, and it won't stink either!

I do not have any cabs covered and ready to ship as of January 20,2025, we are HOPING to find the time to get some finished by spring. All orders must be paid in advance, and we can take credit cards by phone. We will not take an order or payment until we are ready to finish your cab, or have a finished cab ready to ship! Typical shipping time on custom orders is within 7 days, this allows us time to cover in your choice of tolex. 

  Please be patient, this is a part time business, you will be notified immediately if there is any delay, or if your order while I'm out of town.